seal::Exception Class Reference

#include <exception.h>

Inheritance diagram for seal::Exception:

seal::EmptyCollectionException seal::MissingPriorityException seal::OutOfBoundsException seal::OutOfRangeException< T >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Exception ()
virtual ~Exception ()
virtual std::string getMessage (void)=0

Detailed Description

An abstract base class for all exception classes in SEAL.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

seal::Exception::Exception (  )  [inline]

The default constructor. Does nothing.

virtual seal::Exception::~Exception (  )  [inline, virtual]

The virtual destructor.

Member Function Documentation

virtual std::string seal::Exception::getMessage ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Returns the exception related message. The derived exception classes should over-ride this function in order to return context specific message.

Implemented in seal::OutOfBoundsException, seal::OutOfRangeException< T >, seal::EmptyCollectionException, and seal::MissingPriorityException.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat May 16 21:35:20 2009 for SEAL by  doxygen 1.5.5