seal Namespace Reference


class  Array1D
class  CompleteBinaryTree
class  BinTreeBreadthFirstIterator
class  BitReg
class  Buffer
class  ByteVector
class  QuadByte
class  HexByte
class  Cell
class  CellArray
class  Collection
class  Complex
class  Coordinate
class  DataPtr
class  Exception
class  OutOfBoundsException
class  OutOfRangeException
class  EmptyCollectionException
class  MissingPriorityException
class  UnaryFunction
class  AbstractIterator
class  List
class  LinkedList
class  Map
class  MultiDimArray
class  seal::MultiDimArray< DataType, 1 >
class  ListNode
class  BinTreeNode
class  MapNode
class  PrtQueueNode
class  Property
class  PriorityQueue
class  RandomAccess
class  SortingAlgorithm
class  BubbleSort
class  MergeSort
class  TextFile
class  Utils
class  Vector


typedef unsigned char Byte
typedef Vector< std::string > TextLine


enum  SortOrder { ASCENDING = 0, DESCENDING = 1 }

Detailed Description

All classes in the SEAL library are defined under the namespace seal.

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned char seal::Byte

On most systems, an unsigned char type has the size and data format of an 8-bit byte. In such systems, this typedef provides a short hand for for an unsigned char.

typedef Vector<std::string> seal::TextLine

This typedef defines TextLine to be a type alias for the type seal::Vector<std::string>.

Enumeration Type Documentation

This enumerated type defines the two possible sorting orders, ascending and descending.

ASCENDING  The enumeration which can be used to specify an ascending order.
DESCENDING  The enumeration which can be used to specify a descending order.

Generated on Sat May 16 21:35:20 2009 for SEAL by  doxygen 1.5.5